
The re-launch of the SCC brand
Here it is – our new look and feel (and scent…)! Just because you are older than 100 years doesn't mean you need to look it. The SCC Arbitration Institute has always had an innovative mindset when it comes to the way we resolve disputes. Our new brand reflects the forward thinking way in which we have developed arbitration since 1917.

The benefits of SCC Express
Meet Emilia Lundberg, Mattias Göransson and Kristin Campbell-Wilson when they share the origin of the new express dispute resolution tool SCC Express, and give examples on how it can help your business.

Survey shows: most important features of an arbitration institute
As part of our efforts to develop our business and in making sure that our services and offering stay relevant to the international business community, the SCC Arbitration Institute earlier this year commissioned a market research survey, conducted by the research company IPSOS. In this survey, we asked arbitrators, legal practitioners, and company lawyers what they think is most important in the delivery of our services. We also investigated the attitude to alternative dispute resolution services among company lawyers in the Nordic region.

New release of anonymized SCC awards
SCC, in collaboration with ICCA and Kluwer Arbitration, continue publication of anonymized SCC awards in the Kluwer Arbitration database.

Call for Abstracts
The editorial committee of Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook invites scholars and practitioners to contribute to the 2023 edition of the yearbook. Abstracts are due on 16 December 2022.

IBA report on small value claims in investment arbitration
In its recently released Report, the IBA Arbitration Committee presents research of data from the three biggest ISDS for a; SCC, ICSID, and the PCA.

The SCC arbitrators’ council is launched
The SCC expands its structure with a new body – the SCC Arbitrators' Council, aimed at widening the SCC’s network of users and fostering relations with arbitral practitioners worldwide. “This is an important step in further development of the SCC as an international arbitration institution”, says Natalia Petrik, the SCC Deputy Secretary General. We asked Natalia about the mission of the Council and its plans for the near future.

Pros and cons of third-party funding
The number of the SCC cases funded by third parties has increased – and demand is growing. “We expect continued market growth in the Nordics”, says Thony Lindström Härdin, CEO at Litigium Capital. We asked him what kind of cases a funder would typically finance and what a party should consider before entering a funding arrangement.

SCC Sustainability commitment
Assessing risks and setting corporate ambitions related to sustainability are central issues for any business today. Companies need to understand the environmental, economic, and social impacts of their operations, which extends to disputes as part of their wider business activities.

SCC Express nominated for GAR Awards
Best innovation of the year? We are happy to announce that the SCC Express is nominated at the GAR Awards 2022.