
The need for quick dispute resolution in infrastructure projects
There are many factors in an infrastructure project that makes them vulnerable to disputes. As part of the interview series – the SCC Spotlight Talk - we asked Aisha Nadar, senior consultant specialised in infrastructure procurement and dispute management at Advokatfirman Runeland, to share some insights on dispute resolution in these types of projects.

SWAN and the mission to close the gender gap in the arbitration community
An interview with Anina Liebkind, Mikaela Lamrin, and Raffaela Isepponi, who are newly appointed board members of SWAN – Swedish Women in Arbitration Network.

ICSID and SCC strengthen ties to promote International Dispute Resolution
On January 11 2023, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the SCC Arbitration Institute (SCC) have committed to strengthen their partnership to promote the use of arbitration, conciliation, mediation and other dispute resolution tools to resolve international investment and commercial disputes.

Biträdande generalsekreterare med operativt ansvar till SCC
Är du en driven jurist med erfarenhet av tvister och särskilt skiljeförfaranden? Känner du dig som en trygg lagspelare med ledarskapsegenskaper? Vill du leda ett team där arbetsglädje, samarbete och leveransförmåga står i fokus? Då ser vi gärna att du söker tjänsten som biträdande generalsekreterare med operativt ansvar hos oss på SCC Skiljedomsinstitut.

SCC End of Year Greeting 2022
It is that time of year once again when one typically looks back at all the experiences and accomplishments of the past year.

2023 SCC Rules – what are the changes?
Revised versions of the SCC Arbitration Rules, SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitrations, SCC Mediation Rules, SCC Rules for Express Dispute Assessment and the SCC Procedures for UNCITRAL cases have been published on the SCC website today. The revised rules and procedures will enter into force on 1 January 2023.

SCC and BAHR invite to joint event in Oslo
On the 26 January 2023 and in connection to the Norwegian Arbitration Day, the SCC and BAHR invite to a Pre-conference Discussion on ad hoc vs institutional arbitration.
Caroline Falconer appointed as new Secretary General of the SCC Arbitration Institute
Caroline Falconer to take on the role of Secretary General for the SCC Arbitration Institute starting 17th January 2023.

Former Prime Minister of Sweden: ”Stand up for your values”
”The world order is out of order”. That was the message from former Swedish Prime Minister Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt, when he delivered the keynote speech at the Live Trendspotting event that kicked off SCC Digital Week in Stockholm.

SCC East-West Forum in Stockholm: International arbitration and the war in Ukraine
On 29th November 2022, the SCC held the third East-West Forum, devoted to the impact of the war in Ukraine on international arbitration.