2023 Statistics: Increasing number of international disputes being resolved at the SCC
In 2023, the SCC solidified its position as a key player in international dispute resolution. Despite global challenges, the SCC thrived. Trust grew, seen in higher amounts in dispute, a greater number of commenced and resolved disputes, and a rise in international disputes. These statistics underscore the SCC's reputation for neutrality, stability, and efficiency.

More companies chose the SCC for their major international disputes in 2023
In 2023, there was a significant increase in the total amount in dispute compared to previous years. The total amount in dispute exceeded €3 billion in 2023, compared to €1.6 billion in 2022 and €840 million in 2021. In 2023, the average amount in dispute under the SCC Arbitration Rules was approximately €31 million, significantly higher than in previous years, and the average amount in dispute under the SCC Expedited Arbitration Rules was approximately €721,000.
There has also been an increase in the number of disputes being resolved at the SCC, compared to the previous two years, totaling 175 disputes commenced in 2023, compared to 143 in 2022 and 165 in 2021.
I am proud to see that the SCC continues to be a trusted partner for major international disputes, as it has been for many years. The increase over the years can be attributed to the SCC’s growing international market share,says Caroline Falconer, Secretary General of the SCC Arbitration Institute.
An increasingly important player for international disputes
The SCC has not only handled more, larger, and more complex disputes in 2023 than in previous years, but the disputes have also become more international. In recent years, the majority of disputes at the SCC have been Swedish, even though the larger and more complex disputes have always been international.
Of all disputes administered by the SCC during the year, the majority (55%) were international, and a minority (45%) were between Swedish parties.
In 2023, the SCC administered disputes from 42 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, and Africa. The SCC Secretariat administered arbitrations in English, Swedish, French, Polish, and Russian, and the arbitrators came from 27 countries on six different continents.
A large part of our external work at the SCC is to raise awareness of the SCC’s fast and flexible dispute resolution procedures around the world as a suitable and preferred alternative to often bureaucratic and formal court proceedings,says Caroline Falconer.
The dispute resolution processes are more efficient than ever before
Efficient dispute resolution processes minimize time and cost spent on disputes, enabling businesses to focus on core activities. The 2023 statistics show positive outcomes for SCC’s dispute resolution timeframes as 26% of arbitrations under the SCC Arbitration Rules were concluded with an award within a mere 6 months of the referral to the arbitral tribunal.
I take great pride in announcing that all expedited arbitrations concluded with an award in 2023 were resolved within 6 months. This marks a significant milestone which has never been seen before in the yearly statistics since the commencement of reporting on time efficiency in 2014,says Caroline Falconer.
Improved representation in arbitral tribunals every year
In 2023, the SCC continued its efforts to enhance inclusivity and diversity in arbitral tribunals, focusing, among other things, on the gender balance among arbitrators appointed in SCC arbitrations. Within SCC arbitrations, 39% of all arbitrators appointed were women, marking a notable progression towards gender balance. This year, the increase is due to the arbitrators chosen by the parties.
Consistent with past years, the majority of arbitrators in SCC proceedings were appointed by the parties. In 2023, out of the 250 arbitrators appointed, 31% were women—a significant advancement compared to the 27% recorded in 2022 and the mere 16% in 2019.
Caroline Falconer remarks,
The statistics for 2023 unmistakably indicate a substantial improvement towards gender equity within both the Swedish and international arbitration community. The remarkable ascent underscores the efficacy of our ongoing endeavors at the SCC. We remain steadfast in our commitment to furthering the representation of diverse voices within the arbitration community.