Webinar: Mastering an Effective Dispute Resolution Clause
Have you ever found yourself in this situation? It’s midnight. The negotiations have been exhausting, but after a few final touches, the contract with all its key terms will finally be ready. But wait — what about the dispute resolution clause? How do you negotiate that? Watch the webinar to get your answer.

What are some common mistakes in arbitration clauses?
Common mistakes to be avoided are for example: mandatory “escalation clauses”, detailed regulation on tribunal composition, certain “multi-forum” clauses, different clauses in multi-party/contract structures and pathological clauses. We discuss these mistakes and how to avoid them in the webinar.
What are the major differences between SCC and ICC arbitration?
Time (it takes longer at the ICC), terms of reference and scrutiny of awards.
Is it possible to choose SCC arbitration in a contract between a Swedish and an international company?
YES – we see a lot of cases with a Swedish and an international company and we have routines in place to ensure that all parties are treated equally regardless of nationality.Does the governing law of the contract have to be Swedish, or can the contract be governed by the substantive law of another country?
It is up to the parties to decide! We recommend the parties to choose the seat, language and substantive law that is best suited to the specific contract.
Join the SCC Arbitration Institute’s Caroline Falconer and Madeleine Thörn for a recorded one-hour webinar where they are sharing practical tips on how to negotiate a dispute resolution clause. Listen to their experiences and learn how to excel in these negotiations – reducing costs and saving time during a potential dispute resolution.